Monday 13 February 2017


I would like to welcome you all to my blog. Here, we will be discussing about the Batman's family major members i.e. Robins'. 

Robins' are known to be the sidekicks of the Batman. Through the time Batman has recruited good amount of sidekicks. Lots of Robin's has been appeared in different Batman animated movies and comics but here we are going to look into the 4 major Robins'.


Dick Grayson/NIGHTWING:

Dick Grayson aka Nightwing is the 1st Robin. As a child, Dick worked with his parents in the Circus with the good skill of gymnastics. One day his parents get killed/murdered for some reason. After the death of his Parents he was sent to orphanage. But every night he get out in the streets to find his parent's killer. During the search he meet with Batman and seeing his potential & suffering Batman recruits him as the Robin. 


With time he works with Batman and learns very much from him. Later, that day come when he leave Batman and his Robin post to be his own man saying he don't want to live in the Batman's shadow. With the skill and knowledge to fight crime, he starts to fight alone with name "Nightwing".   



Jason Todd/Red Hood:

Jason Todd aka Red Hood is the 2nd Robin. Being born in family of violence, Jason was always a disturbed child. His father was an alcoholic and mother was a drug addict. After his father was sent to jail and mother died of the drug consumption Jason grow as a street thief. One day he gets beaten during his act badly and gets admitted to hospital. After recovering and during time of leaving he steal things from hospital and escape. During his escape Batman catch him and seeing his condition Batman take Jason with him. With proper training Batman hopes Jason to be a good person and recruits him as Robin.

Being Robin, Jason work alongside with Batman. But with the history of violence he doesn't seems to handle the things as Batman. So Batman gives him desk job same as Alfred (Batman's Butler). During his work in computer, he finds out his mother is alive in some place. In search of his mother he arrives at the place. But he soon finds out it was the planned plot by Joker to get him out of Bat Cave. Joker bits him very badly and he die in the bomb blast planned by Joker. He gets buried in the Wayne manner.

Later, The League of Assassins resurrect Jason in the Lazarus pit (magical pit to bring back the dead). Having violent behavior Jason gets reborn with more hatred as "Red Hood".  Drake/Red Robin:

Tim Drake aka Red Robin is the 3rd Robin. Before being Robin, Tim was a focused young man. He wanted to be the best as student, person and in athletic. He trained very hard to do so. He also had the detective skills. He was always wanted because he had the loving family. 

Tim was the only one who came close to find out the Batman's real identity. Quickly he gets recruited by Batman as Robin. He even choose to wear different dress than any previous Robin's. 

With time this good relationship comes to an end. Leaving Batman, Tim becomes Red Robin and start to work alone. During his research he finds about the abduction of the teens with power. Where it all starts as "Teen Titans".



Damian Wayne: Wayne is the 4th Robin. He was the son of Talia Al Ghul born from artificial womb and gets trained to be best of his family (league of assassins). Damian always had one question in his mind, who is his father? He will only get the answer if he defeat his mother in a battle. After harsh training, at the age of 10, Damian finally defeat his mother and earn the answer he was seeking. 

He finds out his father is non other than Bruce Wayne aka Batman himself. Talia Al Ghul send Damian to Bruce to do detective work but the plan back fires when he decide to stay and work with Batman as Robin. Damian has been seen in the comics and animated movies as child Robin with attitude which is funny to watch along with the chemistry with Batman as father-son.